Moon Stone cho ku ray Symbol Engraved Heart Shape Pendant
about the symbol engraved – cho ku ray (choh-koo-ray) meaning: “god and man coming together” or “i have the key”
. the primary use of this symbol is to increase reiki power.
it draws energy from around you and it focuses it where you want to. make the sign over the client (or yourself) and say (silently) the words cho ku rei 3 times.
it is the all-purpose symbol. it can be used for anything, anywhere; about the stone moonstone is composed of orthoclase and albite, two species from thefeldspar group.
rainbow moonstone is a name often given to labradorite in a white matrix. moonstone is a 3rd anniversary gemstone.
chakras –third eye chakra . solar plexus chakra birthstone – june zodiac –cance , libra , scorpio planet – moon element – water